Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Discussion Board-1

Discussion Board-1

Q In the following discussion board, please post and discuss your thesis statement and macro outline for Essay One (Example thesis statements and an example macro outline are posted on the page linked HERE). Be sure to include the following information in your discussion board posting: 1. Write your complete thesis statement for Essay One (please review the Essay One assignment page for a reminder of the assignment's directives). 2. Indicate your chosen phrase, and explain why you chose this phrase for your essay. 3. Explain how your thesis statement fulfills the requirements of a forecasting thesis statement. 4. Write a macro outline for Essay One. If it would be easier to type your macro outline in a Word document, you may attach the Word document containing your outline to your initial post. 5. Indicate any questions or concerns you currently have about your thesis statement, outline, and/or the assignment in general. If you have no questions or concerns, please indicate that in response to this directive. Instructions for posting: Be sure to create a new thread when you post your original response with your name in it. When replying to other posts, please post on their original thread. (NOTE: A "thread" is a new "post." To post on the same "thread," click "reply" on another student's post.) When writing your initial post (for directives 1, 2, 3, and 5), be sure to write in complete sentences and to number your responses. For directive 4, your macro outline should be organized as shown in the above-posted example. You also need to use complete sentences when providing your two responses; these responses should be substantive and well-developed, and they should address the thesis statement and outline of the classmates' to whom you are responding. For this DB, you will be graded on the writing itself, as well as on fully answering all required areas of the post. See the grading rubric posted below for further details. Due Dates: There are two required parts to this activity: 1. Your initial post. Due Friday, January 21, by 11:59 p.m. CST. Edited to add: Due to possible weather-related impacts, you may submit your initial post by 11:59 p.m. CST on Saturday, January 22, without penalty. 2. Your response to two classmates' posts. Due Monday, January 24, by 11:59 p.m. CST. NOTE: The Discussion Board closes at 11:59 p.m. CST on Monday, January 24, so you cannot make late submissions. The rubric used to grade this discussion board is posted HERE.

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1. The phrase “Carpe Diem” is of utmost significance to all of us as it not only gives us motivation but also helps us get through difficult times, live to the fullest and help others. 2. The phrase Carpe Diem means seize the day, I have chosen this phrase because it has helped me a lot to get on with difficult times, handle tough situations and even give positivity to others. 3. My thesis states the reasons why this phrase has been chosen by me and what are the various use of the phrase.